In 2022, AG Ford received a total of $16,000 in campaign contributions from Andy and David Duong
By Megan Barth, The Nevada Globe, June 26, 2024

ABC7 News reports that a California man, his father, and their company are under an active FBI investigation for a campaign contribution laundering scheme primarily involving Democratic politicians.
According to ABC7 News analysis of state and federal data, Andy Duong and his father David Duong contributed over $250,000 to 28 California candidates, yet ABC also reports that Duong’s reach extended beyond the borders of California and into Nevada.
Within their report, Andy Duong is pictured with then-candidate Aaron Ford on Duong’s Instagram page. The caption under the his March 2022 post indicates that Duong publicly supported Ford’s election bid for Nevada Attorney General, “Go Team #fordfornevada.”

The Globe reviewed Attorney General Ford’s campaign finance records and found that the father and son contributed a total of four times to Ford’s 2022 campaign amounting to $16,000.

According to ABC7, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) who is currently running for Senator Barbara Boxer’s seat, is donating the $26,000 he received from the Duong’s to a charity of his choice.
Yesterday afternoon, The Globe contacted the Attorney General’s office for comment. They referred us to AG Ford’s campaign. Although Ford’s successful campaign came to a close in 2022, we were provided a campaign email (aaron@fordfornevada) to reach the Attorney General for comment. At the time of publishing, our request has gone unanswered.